My web site

Those who read this web site may be wondering why it is being set up so I
will attempt to enlighten you. Please read on.

As a blind musician, I am conscious of the challenges which the performing
arts present to blind people who decide to get involved in them. So much of
a performance must be visual and it is equally important for anyone who is
visually impaired or totally blind to learn as much as they possibly can
about performance and presentation skills. I have become more aware of this
in recent years and also feel that some blind people, because they do not
see a performance and notice how a singer or instramentalist would present
themselves on stage, do not attach enough importance to this.

I hope that as my web site is updated and more items are added to it, that
it will show that I try my best to put into practice the vocal, presentation
and performance skills I have learned and still continue to learn and
hopefully what you see and hear will help to break down barriers in the
music profession which exist as far as blind and partially sighted musicians
are concerned.

Anne Wilkins

3 thoughts on “My web site”

  1. Surprise what you find while on the internet!! Very impressed. You and your friend
    should be proud – looks very professional.

  2. I started off scibpaookrng and decided to have a play with foam stamps when they were introduced. From there I have slowly been learning about all the different inks and techniques but still have soooo much more to learn. I just love that stamping can be so versatile and a tool that can be used over and over again!

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