Yesterday, I mentioned PCVS School in Peterborough Ontario. The attached Youtube link is a performance that was done recently by the students to highlight their fight to keep the school open. The soloist is my cousin, Tom, aged 15 so I am extremely proud of this link. I hope a lot of people will watch this.
Yesterday, my Canadian experience continued when I learned to snowshoe. We did this in the garden and crunched through the snow through the trees. Once I got used to it, it was a wonderful experience and I hope to do it again before returning home.
that 20% of something always are responsible for 80% of the results. In such sense, YouTube must SHARE the gains with the producers (20%) that generate 80% of the content of (and not only with Lonelygirl15, Renetto, Demkicrcoredy, Lisanova, etc.). Most democratic it would be than paid 1 dollar by each 100 unloadings. So that? Because Google always has been characterized to give more than the others. Remember, when Hotmail offered 2MB and Yahoo 6MB, Gmail offered 2.7GB. Then, must be the one who pays more than other sites thus to attract more public and thus people are happier.